Work permits and work visas allow you to travel, work, or study in that country for a specified length of time. All countries, including the US, require a work permit visa for foreign workers; employers will not hire you without one.
At Elite Coaching, we will assist you to get a work permit with minimal effort from your side. We also offer such services as immigration appeals and inadmissibility cases. We can determine what type of visas, if any, is required based on the reason for travel and the country of your citizenship.
For select countries, short-term work permit visas are available by application. In other cases, such as for long-term employment, foreign employers will need to apply for the visa on your behalf.
Our team brings a combination of technical expertise, artistic passion, and psychological knowledge that results in effective strategies for growth.
Stafi ynë përbëhet prej njerëzve pasionant, krijues, ekspertë teknologjik, dhe njohës të psikologjisë të cilat rezultojnë në strategji efektive drejt rritjes.